Bihar GDP per capita - Rs 60,337 |
State rank in India - 33/33


Directory of businesses who are exporting from Bihar. Let's buy from them, promote them and uplift Bihar's GDP.

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6 brands

Mithila Painting

3 artists


1 freelancer


Coming soon

Farm Fresh

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Content Creators

Coming soon

Biharésque Manifesto

As we stand in 2024, the economic and social challenges facing Bihar are well known to every Bihari. With a per capita GDP of just ₹60,337, Bihar ranks 33rd among the 33 states of India, while the national per capita GDP stands at ₹1.84 lakh. This gap underscores the urgent need for collective and proactive efforts to change the narrative of Bihar’s development.

Biharésque is our initiative to address this challenge with a clear and focused mission: to drive revenue into Bihar by increasing exports of goods and services. By promoting businesses based in Bihar and encouraging self-consumption among Bihari migrants, we aim to create a net positive impact on the state’s economic growth. Together, through global promotion and local production, we envision a thriving Bihar that harnesses its potential to the fullest.

Just as ‘picturesque’ evokes the beauty of a perfect image,
Biharésque captures the essence, charm, and cultural richness of Bihar, bringing its unique spirit to life.